Wicked Wednesday Mixed Bag Review: 11:11

by Nostalgicmiss | 0 reactions?

It's WEEEZY!! *Waves and Giggles* Yes I forgot again, but thankfully it's still in time for the Wicked Wednesday One Shot

This week I stumbled upon 11:11
by Oxygen. and .Cucumber
one of the Geekward Shuffle Contest entries.

Let's start off with the official summary
GEEKWARD SHUFFLE - They could never hurt her like he’d done. He’d sent her hopes crashing down from the sky, and she was left to live with the hell he put her through. But without her he was lost. Little did he know, she couldn't say goodbye either. AH/AU

So let's get to it!

This was just phenomenal. From the moment it starts you can visually see the description of her dorkward. Yet somehow he still manages to shine like only Edward can. The song chosen for this was Konstantine by Something Corporate. It has a beautiful piano piece that's full of heart break and malaise. Even the lyrics are full of woe. We see Edward at school, full of pain because of something that happened a month previous.

He thinks back on the situation and goes through the situation that brought him to the place he's emotionally in.

I find it hard to say exactly what happens because I don't want to tale away any reason for you to read it. It's beautifully written and full of emotion, and when played with the track it packs an emotional wallop. So I am going to give you a taster then I'm going to let you discover the ending for yourself!!

Here's a little something to wet your appetite:

The music changed suddenly, becoming more subdued and temperate. Taking a step back from one another, she raised an eyebrow coyly towards me.

“I want you to stay right where you are,” she whispered roughly against my ear. “And not move for the next two minutes. Can you do that for me?” Her voice was laced with desire, lust and such a raw hunger that it took everything left of my willpower to stay rooted to the spot.

“I’ll miss you,” I called after her as she sashayed out of the room, her brown hair flying after her.

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