Mismatched Mondays: Return to Hell

by Nostalgicmiss | 2 reactions?

For the unpopular and left of center, anything BUT canon we give to you this week's one shot...

Return To Hell
by oh-hale-yeah

Official Summary:
Five years after escaping Maria's army, Peter still has a debt to repay. But when at last he returns it's nothing like what he expected. How much does he really know about the man to whom he owes his life? Jasper, it seems, is a man of many careful masks.

That certainly wasn't what I was expecting at first. This one shot instead of being a simple smexy shot, was much more than that. It was an authors take on what makes Jasper who he is, the regret that every vampire goes through...all through the eyes of Peter. The emotion that's portrayed is amazing and for a second you can feel the worry Peter has for Jasper. Amazing....

Score: 5/5 -

So this isn't our normal type of one shot...no smut, no sex, not even a male/female coupling. But the imagery created is phenomenal. I could see every bit of the scenery and feel the emotions between the two characters. A great one shot that gives some insight into one of my favorite characters.

Score: 4/5 -

The opening paragraphs are so visually stimulating that you can't help experience right alongside Peter. It's powerful. The description of Jasper in his pain is amazingly detailed and eerily touching. You can sense the worry Peter has for Jasper, and the pain that Jasper shows him. It's beautifully written and so masterfully executed, a definite must read.

Score: 5/5 -

Score: 5/5 -

2 reactions?:

spellbound said...

This sounds very interesting! Adding to my list!

Anonymous said...

Nice article you got here. I'd like to read more concerning that topic. Thanks for sharing this information.
Joan Stepsen
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