Mimi's Whiney Weekly Roundup - Piano Lessons

by Anonymous | 1 reactions?

Welcome another round up of fic pics and whiney whines from the girls of Fornication Station...

This week TwilightMom  didn't even bother sending me a fic to read.. she just passed on a WHOLE review!   And what held her interest so that she was inspired to recc and review it....

started by BellaoftheBall and continued with withthevampsofcourse 

Official Summary:
Continuation of the original story by Bella-of-the-Ball, with permission, of course! AH. As a special birthday gift, one of Bella’s students sets her up with free piano lessons, with a hidden agenda. Guess who her teacher is?

The story starts off with a SERIOUS misunderstanding...copious amounts of alcohol...dueling, smokin' hot piano players and all our favorite twilight characters.


My head was pounding.

My mouth felt…disgusting.

I could barely open my eyes in the darkness… they felt like they were glued shut.

My arms felt like 10-pound weights as I brought them up, slowly rubbing the sleep away.

I yawned. My toes pointed while I stretched, my arms grabbing the headboard behind me. I ran my fingers down the designs of the thick hardwood frame…


I thought I had a steel frame for my headboard.

My eyes shot open. I was drowning in a bulky down comforter. I had to pull the covers off from over my head to see clearly. That’s why it was so dark, I realized.

I flinched at the small streams of sunlight entering the room because of what they were doing to my headache. At least the shades were down.

Propping myself up by my elbows, I squinted through the dark shadows. I didn’t recognize the room.

“Where am I?” I hoarsely whispered. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, it all came coming back to me.

It felt like a hammer was pounding my brain down to small little fragments, leaving me no room to recollect the previous nights events, but I tried.

Dancing… Angela’s bachelorette party… the piano bar… John Lennon…

I remembered Eddie…. Smacking that sticker on my ass on top of the piano….James sitting down next to me… James… oh god…

“I didn’t.” I covered my face in my hands, slamming my body back into the comfort of the mysterious bed. I must have, though. This certainly wasn’t my apartment, or anyone’s I knew. I told myself I wasn’t a one-night stand girl, and here I was. How did I get here? I didn’t remember anything past the fruity cocktail I downed right after the girls left.

I didn’t even remember the sex. I racked my brain. Nothing. Not a thing.

Now being the old married woman that I am, I can assure you that even back in my youth this would have never happened to me...

*coughs- bullshit- coughs*

But the hilarity and awkwardness that ensues, when Bella finally meets her piano teacher is enough to make most women swear off alcohol FOREVER!!!!

The story is only at eleven chapters so far...perfect size for starting a great new story. So grab a drink...plop in one of Rose's cock shaped straws ( yes- I am not making them up- check out chapter 2) and get ready for a fantastic read.

1 reactions?:

SaraiCullen said...

Yeah, but she hasn't updated in forever. Tell girlfriend that she's a tease and I want more. I love this fic but there's been nothing for an update for months. Grrrrrrrrrrr.......