Tease Me Thursday

by Anonymous | 0 reactions?

Welcome to another
Teaser Thursday!
Read any of our fics.. then most likely you'll find a hint of next weeks/next chapter's update here..

THE GIRL UNDER THE BED - Nostalgicmiss
Before she could answer I hung up the phone and hit the ground running. I threw on some clothes and headed towards the door as quickly as I could.

"FUCK!" My car was still at the fucking park. I made sure to pull the keys from my old jeans and took off as quickly as I could.

My feet hit the ground, pounding against the asphalt and then bracken as I tried with everything I was to figure out where the hell she was. My mind went over everywhere we had been in this small town. I knew she'd been to Port Angeles with Edward, maybe she'd gone there.

Here we were, all five of us...why Kate and I got roped into lunch at the country club I don't know...at the Sand Point Country Club over looking the beautiful blue waters of Lake Washington. We were dressed to impress and it was kinda adorable to see the boys dressed and cleaned up.

"Yes, but why are we at a country club? If you ask me, it's not exactly the place I'd pick someone up for a rock band...just saying." I looped my arm into Jasper's as we walked into the club.

"My aunt and uncle are long time members," Emmett explained from in front of us. "Edward plays the piano here a few days a week."

"Great, so y'all are picking up some hoity-toity concert pianist for your rock band," I snorted.

"Don't let Edward's playing fool ya, Bella. He's not as straight edge as one might think." Emmett pushed up the door to the dining room. The air around us was filled with the sounds of a beautiful melody coming from a piano in the corner.

My eyes drifted towards the source and I was blown away at the person sitting at the traditional black baby grand piano. He had messy bronze hair that my fingers ached to run through. His eyes were closed focusing on the music he was playing, which must've been from memory because I didn't see one piece of sheet music around. I was mesmerized by the way his fingers danced along the black and white keys in front of him. Up and down, slow then fast; at that moment I realized the indepth infatuation Kate had with guitarist's fingers. Edward's were long and slender and definitely seemed like they could do some serious damage.

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