Faithful Fridays - A Present Returned

by Anonymous | 3 reactions?

Your Fellatiators bring you our usual rec of canon shizzle for Fridays.. but with a twist. One shots only, hot shots even one could say... But, that remains to be seen as our Fellatiators give this weeks opinions on...

by :: AmeryMarie::

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas.. so for the next few Fridays before the day its okay to say HO HO HO out loud, we'll be checking out some themed fic picks!

Miztrezboo : -5/5
What guy wouldn't be OVERLY excited at the mere hint of red lace and fur trim! I loved how we had that little back story into their relationship and why they were both so FRUSTRATED at this most wonderful time of the year.. yep and now I have that carol playing. LOVED IT!

Mischief-Maker1: -3/5
Hmm...a little something hot for a cold December night? This was very niiice. Though, I have to admit, it was the first time I've ever seen the word "onomatopoeia" in a lemon. And... *blushes* I had to go to to find out what it meant. :D
So, now that I know what it means, I probably will use it. *snort* if I could figure out how to pronounce it. LOL

Nostalgicmiss: - 5/5
I made the mistake of reading this in the office, all I'm saying is don't do it lol. Wait read it at home and savor it!! It's beautifully written and the heat and passion that is built up from the moment they interact is enough to ignite a fire!! I would love to say more about how wonderful this fic really is, but you need to check it out for yourselves lol . . . I want this Edward for Christmas! ;)

TwilightMom: - 4/5
LMAO....Jamie, I had no idea what 'onomatopoeia' meant either. I enjoyed this Christmas story...the build up to the actual lemon is extremely sensual and had me all hot and bothered before the actual act. Just make sure you have time to sit and is a lengthy one shot that needs to be savored.

So all in all a resounding sexy-bananas4 Sexy Banana's..
Stay tuned next Friday when we read and review...

A Secret Santa Fic from WeasleyWeakness and SweetLittleBullett

3 reactions?:

AmeryMarie said...

Hey Ladies! Just wanted to say thanks for the rec. It was totally unexpected, but incredibly appreciated. Happy you liked it... and happy you learned a new word. LOL!

spellbound said...

Do you have a link to Nostalgicmiss? I tried clicking on the the pic, that doesn't work. If I missed something totally obvious, sorry! wouldn't be surprised! Sounds like a good story.

Anonymous said...

The pics in the actual post don't link back to us but on the top right hand side where we have our top 4 fic pics, they all link back to our Fanfic profiles.

Hope that helped!