Tease Me Thursday

by Anonymous | 0 reactions?

Welcome to another
Teaser Thursday!
Read any of our fics.. then most likely you'll find a hint of next weeks/next chapter's update here..

THE GIRL UNDER THE BED - Nostalgicmiss
I heard the sound of another truck barreling up the hill with a growl as it down shifted. I spun around again and held out my thumb as I tried to stay upright walking backwards. I needed him to stop, and my need turned into a mantra as I begged him to be the one to stop, I could only fight my own will for so long before I started making excuses for my own behavior, before I gave up and went back to the people I loved.

The truck made no signs of stopping as it careened towards me. I straightened my arm out with my determination and hoped to hell he would stop. I needed a little bit of help here.

I took a deep breath as the engine started quieting with the slowing of the vehicle. I smiled and chased the truck down the road as it pulled onto the shoulder and rolled slowing. The logs on the back shifting slightly as it rocked to a stop.

No tease from Miztrezboo this week as she's on vacay for her bday and the rest of the Fornies are busy with family for Thanksgiving.

Wishing you and yours a FANTASTIC Turkey Day!

Love the Fornication Station

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