Mimi's Whiney Weekly Roundup - Phoenix

by Miss Mimi V | 0 reactions?

*Cough Snort Wheeeze*

Ladeez and Gents it be Miss Mimi here, Admin Assistant to the fantabulous *reads off script* most wonderfully wicked and totally turned on *squints* Fel ... felat.. I'm not saying that word...


Felatiators of the Fornication Station *jebus I don't get paid ENOUGH to say this crap* Anyhootle.. they wanted a fic for me to pimp *whatever that word means* for the week.. so I give to you...

Official Summary - In which Rose has a tattoo covered, remembers her past, and escapes reality for a bit. A Tattward and Inkella entry. Fem Slash. Rose/Alice.

A hot one shot that the girls have already featured, but seeing as
Ahelm has decided to continue exploring the lives of Alice and Rose I figured it was time to pimp this little extrodinary tale of femme love one more time. Already at chapter two we've been introduced into a little back story for each of our characters, observing and learning about how they discovered who they are in this life and the support or lack of support system each of the girls have grown up with. The heat that Ahelm has already created between these two will only rise up and up as the story continues!


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