Wicked Wednesday Sexpeditions - Breaking Bella

by The Fellatiators | 0 reactions?

Welcome to our next

"Wicked Wednesday Sexpeditions"

Nostalgicmiss aka Le Big eLLe brings to you

I didn't get far into this fic, I know, I am such a procrastinator!!
Unfortunately, reality sometimes gets in the way the pain in the ass that it is. What I did read, however, I loved. I don't know how to describe it really, so lets go to the official summary and start from there.

Edward Cullen needs to pass Statistics. Bella Swan is his tutor. She thinks he's a flighty, arrogant albeit sexy asshole, and he thinks she's Bipolar, but tries to win her over, anyway. Can he change her mind, or do first impressions really last?

I know, it sounds similar to something you may have read in the past, etc., etc., but honestly this girl can write. Each chapter alternates between Bella and Edward, mainly because their views are so very conflicting, especially when it comes to one another.
There is dry humor and wit galore as our two leading stars get off on the wrong foot. Bella, is a witty and sarcastic student working two jobs to get her through college. One of these being tutoring.
Edward, is a science major. His weak spot, or kryptonite as I like to call it, is statistics. After a third attempt at the class he seeks help in the form of a tutor. Something he believed should be seemingly easy, but we know better!
After a huge misunderstanding, the two meet up and throw down the gauntlet. I only got 5 chapters in, but in my defense most of those were almost 10,000 words long. I decided I would pull out a piece for you to read for yourself, because I know I ain't doing it justice.

“I'm sorry, Angela, hold on a minute. Excuse me,” I shouted at the two men across from me with a very annoyed look playing on my face. They both instantly quieted and looked at me, mouths hanging slightly open.

“If you two want to be rude and gossip back and forth like women, excluding everybody else from your conversation, that's fine. However, you're making it pretty fucking difficult for anybody else to converse, so if you aren't going to join in, or have a conversation we can all be a part of, kindly get the fuck out, or shut up.” Rosalie snorted and Emmett closed his mouth, looking shocked and slightly amused at my outburst, but Edward looked as annoyed as I felt.

“How about you take your own damn advice, shut your pie hole and mind your own damn business,” he growled. “Or better yet, how about I shove my dick in your—OW! What the fuck, man?” he screeched, hunching over and glaring at Emmett.

The only downside to this fic is, the author can be a little too wordy. I understand the need to be detailed so you can paint a picture, but I don't need to know the flavor of poptart Bella slides in to the toaster before pushing down the handles and letting the small heated bars push heated air out of the top of the machine as it lightly toasted the delicious pastry.
Bella threw poptarts in the toaster, great!
Sometimes it's easier to summarize the detail.
I do love this fic though, and I am looking forward to continuing the read. Not sure who Recc'ed it, but thanks. I can't wait to see how things go down between the two feisty and opinionated characters. Something tells me there will be a lot of fun a long the way!!
Till next time my lovelies . . . Much love, and big hugz ~Weezy~

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