Missmatched Mondays - Show Me a Garden Bursting Into Life
Hiya Kittens! the Boo1/Miztrezboo here with a little Monday yumday Jasper, Eddie and one day Bella sammich..
Trick: Show Me A Garden That's Bursting Into Life
Escort: ATypical-Swan
Status: WiP
Realm: AH
Chapters Completed:20
Opposites Attract: Edward/Jasper, Edward/Bella/Jasper
Escort: ATypical-Swan
Status: WiP
Realm: AH
Chapters Completed:20
Opposites Attract: Edward/Jasper, Edward/Bella/Jasper
Why this fic deserves to be pimped: I've loved this one for a LONG LONG time now. Everytime an update hits my inbox I drop everything to read it, or I save it as one of those special "I've completed the yucky work i had to do" presents to myself. I love LOVE Missa's writing, from the descriptions of what's going on not only between the characters but around them. To the emotional depth she brings to each character. I'm always left sighing, in a completely good way, at the end of every chapter. Reading this one, is almost like watching an old episode of a tv show that you loved when you were younger, something that feels.. home like. Like a bowl of soup on a cold winters day, or having your significant other wrap you in a warm embrace. Yes, I don't think its strange to refer to this one as like a giant HUG.
Sure there's moments of tears, there's moments of tragedy and breath holding. But the good, fun loving moments out weigh the small worries that each character has.
At the moment, we're only at Jasper and Edward exploring their relationship, but Missa has assured everyone it will become a EBJ by the end. And honestly, I'm not concerned. I've loved watching Jasper and Edward explore their relationship thus far. The way they've slowly started opening up to one another and gaining trust that can only come from really being honest with each other. The issues that may have once kept them seperated, are worked on to bring them and the others in their lives closer together.
Thats the other reason I really love this one. It's not just a slash story, its not just the romance between the characters. Its a story that is more about family and what family means in this day and age. Is it just the one's your born related to? Or is it the one's you know you can rely on, who are there to support you through any bump that life may put in your road? There really isn't such a thing as a side character. Sure the story focus is mainly on Edward and Jasper at the moment. But that doesn't mean the goings on in Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Bella or the parental units that are Esme and Carlisle aren't delved into either.
I really don't know what else I can say apart from give it a try.. here's a little sneak to whet your appetites...
“I like it here. I like Forks, and the school. I feel like I have a family again, for the first time in a long time. I’ve got you.”
“Yes you do,” Edward said quietly. He took Jasper’s hand in his right. “You know I care about you, right?”
Jasper’s smile was lazy, but it reached his eyes as he squeezed Edward’s hand. “Yeah. I know.” When they stopped at a light, Jasper leaned over and kissed him softly. “I do, too.”
Edward smiled. “I know.” He kissed Jasper back as the light turned green. The rest of the drive back to campus was quiet and they rode hand in hand.
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