Wicked Wednesday Sexpeditions - Demons & Sinners

by Nostalgicmiss | 0 reactions?


I picked, I read, I wrote about it. I picked out a story from the growing pile in Mimi's office and came up with a little treasure . . .

Demons and Sinners by Alsper

The warnings on the first chapter were simple, and to me, intriguing. It was almost a "what have I gotten myself into" situation. Here's the Summary and the warning . . .

Everyone has a demon that makes you sin. Can Alice escape the violence to find her white rabbit? Will Jasper see through the pain for his true salvation? AH/AU Not intended for the weak hearted. Rated M for Sex, Drugs and Violence

This is a dark story. Drugs use, sex, swearing, violence, the works. Not for the faint of heart or the easily shocked.

And do not make us go all mama bear on you. If you are not old enough to see an R-rated film you should not be reading this story.

Keep in mind that you have been warned.

Intriguing, no?

So I started off on my journey. The prologue was cryptic yet still pulled me in, and then, I clicked over to the next chapter. They were right! This story is gritty and delves into the seedy underbelly of humanity.

Alice and Jasper alternate chapters throughout, starting with their back stories. Both had a tough childhood, and when I say tough I mean abusive, degrading and life altering. It's a whirlwind of gasps and discomfort after that, but it's so well written you kind of forget to look away. You find yourself caring about these two characters, even though their rough around the edges and not necessarily nice people.

Jasper is a drug addict and Alice is a homeless kid that gives blow jobs for money. They both seem to have a deep misconception of the other person and it's interesting to watch as they interact.

The story has them meeting and interacting through some strange situations, but you keep a hope that things will change for them as they move along. The further you get into the story the more depth the characters seem to get. They are complicated, confused and completely human, mistakes and all. I couldn't help but fall in love with both characters, but Jasper is truly amazing. I don't want to ruin the story for you, so I'll not go anymore into the story, but it's worth the read.

I couldn't rip my eyes away.

Here's two short samples of both points of view.


I glanced down at what was left of my food. I only had the pies left. I carefully put them in my bag along with my notebook. I glanced at the time. I had an hour before it was time to see Jasper again. I groaned as I got off the grass. I know, I’ll go clean up. No body likes a dirty whore.

After brushing my teeth and washing my hair in the bathroom at the park – thank God for the air dryer! I pulled my hair back up and looked at myself in the mirror. I frowned at my reflection. Even if I did give Jasper a decent blow job that’s probably all I’ll ever be to him, that random chick that blew him.

I shrugged at myself as I straighten out my shirt. Time to pay him back.


That is where I just happened to wake up this morning. Under fucking Maria.

Fuck this bitch suffocates me.

I shoved her off me, effectively waking her ass up.

“What the fuck?” she growled at me from the floor as I smirked at her and went to the bathroom in her piss poor excuse for a fucking apartment. After taking a drink of water from the tap, I tried to make myself look presentable enough to walk to my apartment on the other side of town. I hoped that I had enough time to get home and wash the smell of skank off me before my shift.

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